Research Projects

Survey of 10,000 FPO scheme in the state of Telangana

Project Info

  • Year of Completion : 2021
  • User Department : SERP, GoTG


Realizing the importance of collectivization of small and marginal farmers in reducing the cost of production and facilitate  better market linkages, with ultimate goal of  improving the income levels of farmers, GoI has launched, a new Central Sector Scheme called “Formation and promotion of 10000 Farmers Producer Organizations (FPOs)” in the country. These FPOs are to be formed following the Produce Cluster Area approach. In Telangana SERP is the Cluster Based Business Organization (CBBO) to implement the scheme for 5 years.

In Telangana, 35 FPOs in 35 clusters have been proposed to form covering approximately 410 villages in 57 mandals spread across 27 districts. Before stepping into the process of formation and registration of FPOs, it is necessary to have base line data of the identified clusters for their agro ecological and socio-economic profile to address the challenges in the agri value chain. Hence SERP has commissioned the baseline study to Centre for Good Governance with the following objectives.

  • To form the basis for preparation of Comprehensive Business Plan to address the value chain issues
  • To develop a benchmark data for identified indicators which will be useful to evaluate and assess the impact at the end of the project period