Project Info
- Year of Completion : 2015
- User Department : High Court of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
The High Court of Andhra Pradesh was constituted on 5th November 1956. It is the highest court in the State exercising a wide-ranging jurisdiction under the Constitution, the Laws and Letters Patent, Civil and Criminal jurisdiction in Cases transferred to itself.
In view of bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh State from 2nd June 2014, as per the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, the High Court of Andhra Pradesh renamed as High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. At present, the High Court is serving as a common High Court for both the States.
The Chief Justice is the Head of the Judiciary with powers of Administration of the High Court and of the Administration of justice throughout the State. There are two broad Wings in the High Court viz. Administration wing and the Judiciary wing.
The Central Project Coordinator (CPC) of the High Court, Hyderabad in his letter no. ROC.No.606/2014-CPS dated 17-10-2014 informed that the High Court is proposing to migrate existing software solutions to open source software solutions and requested CGG to study the status of computerization in High Court. AS part of this study, it was also thought to carry out a detailed process mapping in order to simplify the processes/ organization structures, where possible, so that efficiency and effectiveness can be improved.
Accordingly, this Resource Group has taken up its part and studied the critical processes related to “Service Matters”. The sections carrying out about 50 processes related to Service Matters were visited and the processes were mapped in a detailed manner. This process mapping will be validated by the sections concerned and the key observations and suggestions on the process/structure simplifications will be discussed with Nodal Officer and finalized. A report has submitted and based on further requirement the study will be scaled up to the rest of the administrative processes and sections.