Project Info
- Year of Completion :
- User Department : Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Govt. of India
The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pension (MoP) is implementing the Government of India – UNDP project “Strengthening Human Resources Management Services (SHRMS)” project. The Project provides Advisory, Knowledge sharing and Management services to DoPT for support the shift towards a Competency-Based Approach to Human Resource Management in the Civil Service and systematic approach to training. In order to move to a strategic human resource management system and bring in competency-based approach, National Training Policy 2012 suggested various steps.
For effective implementation of the recommendations of the National Training Policy 2012, it was planned by UNDP to “Develop a Functional Manual for Training Managers, conduct workshops and provide handholding support”. This project was awarded to Centre for Good Governance (CGG) with a mandate of development of a Functional Manual, conducting an orientation to the Training Managers and Offering handholding support during the implementation of the functional manual.
As part of this project, an Introductory Workshop was conducted with all the Training Managers of GoI, to understand the current practices of training, current challenges faced in implementation of National Training Policy 2012 and also gather the expectations and suggestions of the support they require in operationalizing of National Training Policy 2012 in their respective Ministries / Departments. Based on the inputs and insights derived, a Blue Print of the Functional Manual was developed and presented to a Committee constituted by DoPT for the purpose. The committee vetted the Blue Print and suggested a few changes, which were incorporated later and the Final Blue Print of the Functional Manual was prepared and submitted.