Madras Fertilizers Limited (MFL) is one of the nine Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) administered by the Department of Fertilizers, Govt. of India for production of fertilizer products such as Urea, NPK and other bio-fertilizers required for the agriculture sector. The distribution of fertilizer products of the company promoted though a strong network of regional offices […]
Collaboration with UNICEF
In 2021-22, CGG is once again associated with UNICEF on (i) Analysis of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) – 5 data for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana; and (ii) Monitoring and Documentation of the Child Friendly Local Governance initiatives in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The scope of the first study is to analyze the national-level […]
District Good Governance Index (DGGI) – Jammu and Kashmir
India’s first “District Good Governance Index (DGGI)” for the UT of Jammu and Kashmir was designed and developed by CGG as knowledge partner to DARPG, Govt. of India. The DGGI helps to identify the impact of various government interventions at District-level and provides a futuristic roadmap for improving District-level governance and service delivery with targeted […]
Visitor Perception Survey for Visakhapatnam Zoo, Kambalakonda Eco Park, Visakhapatnam Beach Front and Kailasagiri Hill Top Park
Background: Much of the scenic beauty was destroyed due to Cyclone Hudhud on 12th and 13th October 2014. The Government of Andhra Pradesh, with the support of the WorldBank planned for the reconstruction, redevelopment and restoration of these open spaces by undertaking a Master Planning Exercise. In this background an extensive visitor perception survey is […]
Rapid Assessment of Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres (NRCs) in Telangana
Background: Acute Malnutrition continues to be a major public health issue and development challenge in India. By referring to the WHO standards in Stunting, Underweight and Wasting, in all the three categories, the severity of malnutrition is ranging between medium to very high (critical) in Telangana. As per the WHO classification, Stunting should be less […]
Telangana Excellence Awards (TEXA)
The Government of Telangana instituted Telangana State Excellence Awards (TEXA) in 2017 to recognize the exemplary public service rendered by Civil Servants working at different levels. This award has been conceptualized mainly to recognize outstanding work done by Civil Servants, who do not belong to the uniformed services. Telangana is the only state in the […]
Preparation of training manual for the elected representatives of ULBs of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
To enhance the capabilities of the political layer of governance, CGG on behalf of NIUM prepared Training modules on Municipal Administration for the elected representatives of ULBs (Mayors and Municipal Chairpersons). The training module is intended for building up the capacity of the officials, staff and elected representatives of the Corporations and Municipalities through Continued/Continuous […]
RTI Online Certificate Course
Since 2009, the Department of Personnel and Training (Govt. of India) has been supporting CGG to execute an online certificate course on the nuances of the Right to Information Act. This initiative facilitates a large volume of trainees being trained at one go and usually includes officials and citizens of the country. The new version […]
Preparation of Draft Business Rules for the Government of Telangana
After the bifurcation of the erstwhile state of Andhra Pradesh, the existing Business Rules were taken up for review and revision by the newly formed Government of Telangana, for the following reasons: Formation of the new state of Telangana Latest revision (for undivided state) was carried out a decade back To optimize the file work […]
Formulation of Warehousing Policy for A.P. State Civil Supplies Corporation
This Project is taken up based on the request from the Andhra Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd., entailed the estimation of district wise warehouse deficit/surplus in Andhra Pradesh, in the backdrop of the implementation of the Food Security Act, 2013. The experience of Madhya Pradesh in implementing the M.P. Warehouse and Logistics Policy, 2012 […]
Capacity Building Programme for Climate Smart Agriculture
Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) aims to achieve a sustainable increase in productivity, adapt and building the resilience of agricultural systems to changing climate and reduction of greenhouse emissions from agriculture. There are several sectors and actors involved in climate-smart agriculture and in planning for climate-smart agriculture, the capacities of actors involved in different sectors need […]
Revamping Andhra Pradesh State Handloom Weavers’ Co-operative Society Ltd. (APSHWCS)
Andhra Pradesh State Handloom Weavers’ Co-operative Society Ltd. (APSHWCS) has approached Centre for Good Governance (CGG), Hyderabad for revamping APSHWCS. A comprehensive study, covering the key functions of Andhra Pradesh State Handloom Weavers’ Co-operative Society Ltd. (APSHWCS) has been carried out. Detailed analysis of the processes being followed in the key functions of the organization […]
Swp-content card for grading of districts based on health service delivery
Despite India’s significant progress in improving the maternal and child survival and reducing maternal and child deaths, yet the rates of progress within states and districts are unequal. The Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCH +A) strategy aims to improve maternal and child survival by strengthening the health care delivery system and emphasizes […]
Study of the Administrative Processes of the High Court
The High Court of Andhra Pradesh was constituted on 5th November 1956. It is the highest court in the State exercising a wide-ranging jurisdiction under the Constitution, the Laws and Letters Patent, Civil and Criminal jurisdiction in Cases transferred to itself. In view of bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh State from 2nd June 2014, as per […]
Organizational Streamline and Preparation of Manuals for NIMS
The Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) is an autonomous state government organization, established through Act 13 of 1989. NIMS has a Governing Council, headed by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Telangana, which sets policy and direction to the institute. The day-to-day administration of NIMS is taken care by the Director, under whose control, function […]