Project Info
- Year of Completion : 2015
- User Department : Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS)
The Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) is an autonomous state government organization, established through Act 13 of 1989. NIMS has a Governing Council, headed by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Telangana, which sets policy and direction to the institute. The day-to-day administration of NIMS is taken care by the Director, under whose control, function various Wings such as Academic Administration, Hospital Management, General Administration and Finance & Accounts. These Wings are headed by the Dean, Medical Superintendent, Executive Registrar and Financial Advisor & Financial Controller respectively.
The top management of NIMS has realized that the structure and systems in the organization have evolved over a period of time-based more on the convenience rather than any systematic organization design. It was also realized that important organization elements such as role clarity, goal clarity and accountability are not properly delineated anywhere and there are no System Manuals to refer to and there are no Services Regulations that govern the service conditions of the staff, excepting a few standing orders issued from time to time. Therefore, it was decided by the top management of the institute to address the above anomalies and inconsistencies so that the organizational functioning will become more efficient and effective. Subsequently, Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad was requested to carry out required streamlining and prepare the following manuals:
- Organization Manual, containing the streamlined organization function and structures, roles and responsibilities of the staff and file routing mechanism.
- Stores & Purchase Manual, containing the processes, procedures and tools required.
- Staff Service Regulations, containing the revised and updated service regulations for all staff services
CGG carried out the study, brought out the draft deliverables and submitted them. NIMS has finalized the draft after consultation and Final Manuals are prepared and submitted.