Project Info
- Year of Completion :
- User Department : General Administration (GPM & AR) Department, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
Under the DfID assisted Delivery of Improved Services in Administration (DISA) Programme, Centre for Good Governance has engaged the services of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad on behalf of the General Administration (GPM&AR) Department to prepare a legislation on grievance redressal and public accountability. NALSAR submitted the draft legislation titled the “Andhra Pradesh Redressal of Grievance and Public Accountability Bill, 2008” in 2009.
The wp-content Committee constituted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh in 2010 to examine the recommendations of Second Administrative Reforms Commission reviewed the draft legislation in its fourteenth meeting in September 2011 and recommended certain changes in view of the provisions in similar Acts being passed by other States.
Under the guidance of General Administration (GPM&AR) Department and the wp-content Committee, Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad, therefore, undertook comprehensive review and revision of the draft legislation. This involved examination of other State Acts (close to eighteen India States have passed similar legislation), field visits and consultation with decision makers at various levels.
In April 2013, Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad organized a State level workshop to create awareness on the draft legislation among the officers of the State as also seek feedback from them on the key provisions of the draft legislation.
Based on these broad-based inputs, the draft Act formulated and provided with an operational framework for implementation. The final draft of the Act was submitted to GPM&AR in February 2014.