Project Info
- Year of Completion :
- User Department : Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries Development Department, Government of Telangana
Telangana State ranks 13th in milk production and bovine population; 14th in cow population and 10th in buffalo population. The per capita availability of milk at 234 gm/day is short of the national average of 263 gm/day even of 2009-10. The increasing gap between demand and supply of milk needs to be arrested through improvement of dairy productivity.
In the fisheries sector, About 3,07,234 active fishermen contributed 2.68 lakhs MTs of production (including 8352 MT of prawn) during 2014-15. With 78 reservoirs, 4617 minor irrigation tanks, and 35031 GP tanks, the state is poised to improve its fish production. The average productivity of tank is 300 to 400 kg per hectare of water spread area. Keeping in view the untapped potential in dairy and fisheries, the present study has been proposed to culminate with a draft policy for transforming animal husbandry and fisheries sectors.
The Process
CGG adopted a three-phase approach of Consultation, Research and Reporting to formulate the draft policy. The consultation phase involved a consultation kick-off meeting with key officials of the concerned departments. During the research phase, available literature was reviewed; field studies in the states of Karnataka, Haryana, and Gujarat were conducted for studying best practices in animal husbandry. Best practices in Chhattisgarh and West Bengal were studied for the fisheries sector. During the reporting phase, a stakeholder meeting was organized to incorporate the ideas of various stakeholders.
The Output
CGG has presented the draft Animal Husbandry and Fisheries policy to the Special Chief Secretary to Govt. of Telangana, AHDD. The draft report shall be circulated to concerned departments for critical review and the suggestions made will be incorporated to finalize the policy document.