Project : Telangana Senior Citizens Maintenance Cases Monitoring System(TSCMMS)

User Department(s):
Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Senior Citizens & Transgender PersonsProject Brief:
Telangana Senior Citizens Maintenance Cases Monitoring System (TGCMMS) application facilitates Senior Citizens to apply for Maintenance and know their status & download generated notices at any time. It facilitates the officers to process the cases completely through system by generating digitally signed notices. It also ensures that the case should be solved within 90 days from the date of application. If not, the concerned RDO will generate judgement delay reason and if applicant is not satisfied with the judgement, he/she can appeal to collector and the judgement should be given within 30 days of appeal. It provides role-based monitoring dashboards to RDOs, Collectors, DWOs, Special Secretary and Director.
Various modules of this project include-
- Maintenance tribunal: Which facilitates to accept/reject application, generate interim order, issue notice for hearing, refer to tahsildar, upload proceedings, refer to conciliatory officer, issue warrants, issue final judgement and issue judgement delay copy. Notices are issued at every step in prescribed formats with digital Signature.
- Offline Module: allows to make the previously filled applications to online and the record will be moved to current ongoing status as per selection.
- Appellate tribunal: Which facilitates to accept/reject application, issue notice for hearing, issue warrants and issue final judgement Notices are issued at every step in prescribed formats with digital Signature.