Project : Schedule Caste Schedule Tribe Fund Monitoring System (SCSTFMS)

User Department(s):
SCDDProject Brief:
Schedule Caste Schedule Tribe Fund Monitoring System (SCSTFMS) is a fund monitoring system to track expenditure on Scheduled Caste Special Development Fund (SCSDF) and Scheduled Tribe Special Development Fund (STSDF).
Centre for Good Governance (CGG) developed this robust Fund Monitoring System (FMS) which helps to monitor the SC/ST funds allocated to the departments and also ensures that the funds allocated against these two – SCSDF and STSDF are reaching the SC & ST beneficiaries correctly. The first step taken is a classification of all schemes and sub-schemes pertaining to SC & ST under Government of Telangana. The details of the beneficiaries’ and works details of all the SC/ST schemes are uploaded in the application by the departments. The data of the schemes which have online services are being integrated through web services.
A total of 7,08,48,968 beneficiaries are uploaded in SCSTFMS during the FY 2017-18
A total of 6,28,44,226 beneficiaries are uploaded in SCSTFMS during the FY 2018-19
A total of 5,94,65,083 beneficiaries are uploaded in SCSTFMS during the FY 2019-20
A total of 5,35,09,119 beneficiaries are uploaded in SCSTFMS during the FY 2020-21
Key features of the system are:
- Scheme Categorization to Individual, Works, Groups, Others
- Scheme Data upload in excel format
- Web services integration
- Reports for analysis such as scheme-category-wise reports, department-wise reports, district-wise reports, financial status, etc
- Dashboard reflecting the summary information of category-wise schemes, fund status, beneficiary linkage status, etc
- Tracking of the beneficiary at scheme level and sub-scheme level
Figure 1 : SCSTFMS: Steps taken by CGG for Implementation
Link to the website: