Project : Online Legal Caseload Management System (OLCMS)

User Department(s):
I & CADProject Brief:
Government departments are facing litigations filed by the citizen, department officials, contractors etc., during the regular course of working. In compliance with the legal process, Government officers are to be in constant interaction with Government Pleaders (GPs) who represent the Government in the Courts. To safeguard the interest of Government, the concerned department officers have to provide relevant information within the time frame to the Government Pleaders for effective representation of the case before Hon’ble Courts.
In the existing manual system, often there is a delay in submission of connected records such as counter affidavit etc. to the Government Pleaders. This is resulting in seeking adjournments and there is a likely chance of the case being disposed of expertise, adversely affecting the interests of Government. OLCMS software helps the Government officers in taking effective and timely decisions by analyzing various reports generated. A dashboard report will be displayed immediately after login by the Government officer. This dashboard report illustrates the list of cases pending in various courts, list of contempt cases, cases in which counter is to filed, list of cases for which judgment has been pronounced etc. All reports can be drilled down subject wise, district wise, officer wise etc. up to detailed case history level.Proven Open Source technologies such as JAVA is used for developing the OLCMS software. The software can be easily customized to cater needs of other departments/organizations
Benefits/uses of the application:
Effective monitoring of cases filed in Hon'ble Courts
SMS Alert mechanism for taking timely action on Court cases
Link to the website/application