Project : Nidaan – 1100

User Department(s):
Project Brief:
The Online Grievance Redressal Tracking System (OGRTS) is a web based application to support call center for chhattisgarh in State of Chhttisgarh. It being developed & implemented by Centre for Good Governance (CGG), Hyderabad in the State of Andhra Pradesh for redressal of citizen grievances. SMS (Short Messaging Services) technologies are adopted for communication across functionaries and citizens duly taking the citizen charter of Chhattisgarh State. This is only one of its kinds of m-government initiatives under Mission Mode projects of State Government.
Grievance Redress Mechanism is part and parcel of the machinery of any administration. No administration can claim to be accountable, responsive and user-friendly unless it has established an efficient and effective grievance redress mechanism. In fact, the grievance redress mechanism of an organization is the gauge to measure its efficiency and effectiveness as it provides important feedback on the working of the administration.
OGRTS facilitates to:
- Register the complaint through web based application and also tracks the status of the complaint as per the Citizen charters.
- Automatically forwards the details of registered complaint to the concerned functionary through SMS.
- Update the action taken by the functionary through SMS or through web based application.
- Integrates SMS & web technologies which enable m-Government administration for effective decision support.
- Generates performance report of each functionary