Project : eMunicipal Telangana (CDMA)

User Department(s):
CDMAProject Brief:
In May 2020, CDMA entrusted the development and implementation of eMunicipal Telangana, a comprehensive IT solution for all the 141 ULBs across Telangana State to the CGG. Currently, eMunicipal Telangana offers comprehensive services to improve the functioning of ULBs, including Property Tax, Vacant Land Tax, Water Tap Connection, Trade License, Signage License for Advertisement, Mobile Towers, Mutations, Integrated Municipal Grievance System, Content Management System Website, DEABAS Integration, Integrated Dashboard and Call Centre set up at CDMA Head office. These online services provide citizens with a seamless experience while availing of various civic amenities.
Prior to the implementation of eMunicipal Telangana, the ULBs were receiving services from four different vendors, and the applications and databases were in different environments. This caused inefficiencies in the delivery of services and made it difficult to streamline the IT infrastructure of the ULBs. To address these issues, CGG has successfully migrated the data of 141 ULBs to a single database in December 2020. The project was divided into two phases to complete the mammoth task of developing and implementing a comprehensive IT solution for all ULBs in Telangana.
An integral factor in the project's success is the establishment of a Call Centre facility/Help Desk service, aimed at effectively managing operational and technical issues by automatically directing them to the relevant stakeholders. Prior to the introduction of the Call Centre, CGG faced a substantial influx of grievances, averaging nearly 1000 per day, largely revolving around operational issues. However, through the segregation of grievances and subsequent in-depth analysis of technical concerns, followed by the implementation of requisite changes and improvements, the eMunicipal application has undergone remarkable enhancements.
During the fiscal year 2023-24, CGG undertook additional initiatives, which encompass the development of MIS Dashboards and Tableau dashboards tailored for Property Tax, Trade, Water, and VLT; and implemented QR code-based Advertisement certificates. Moreover, the integration of Grievance Systems for 141 ULBs is underway, with active development in progress.