About Us



Ever since its inception, from 2005 ; CGG has accorded high priority for building a good social science library. It is now one of the good libraries in Hyderabad with a rich collection of Books,journals, publications ( of other research institutes ( both national & International ) and government publications. The library collection consists of important areas of social sciences like governance, e-governance, public administration, urban studies,law, education, economics, public finance, management, agriculture and computer science, IT. It subscribes to over 50 journals.It also subscribes of various e- resources which is shared within the campus.

Dewey Decimal classification scheme with certain modifications, is adopted for the processing of documents. All the documents have been brought under computerised bibliographic control using LIBSYS software. Online Public Access Catalogue(OPAC) search is provided to readers. Searches can be made by author, title, subject, class number, publisher or words in title and boolean search. The newly accessioned books and working papers are displayed periodically.. The books displayed at the counter can be borrowed after the display date.Working Hours
Weekdays 9.30 – 17.00 hrs
The library remains closed on Sundays and a limited number of Public Holidays. And second Saturdays

The library comprises of the following documents as on January 31, 2024.

Books, Publications, Reports,DVD’’s 10000
Back volumes of periodicals (bound) 2000
Periodicals (Current subscription) 50
Periodicals (received as Gift) 10
Proquest  Social Science 2000
Jstor 3007
Online databases available through the Library
The following online databases are available through the CDS Library. Should you wish to use them, kindly contact Mr Sarfaraz Shaik. He can be contacted over: 040-23554175; Extension 156 during Monday through Saturday (9.30 AM through 5 PM).






Library Staff:

Dr.Sarfaraz.Shaik M.A.(AIHCA), M.LI.SC.,PGDDIM, Ph.D
Contact the Library
040-23686000 Ext – 111
email: library@cgg.gov.in

CGG Online Library Catalog Requisition Form for Purchase of Books