Ever since its inception, from 2005 ; CGG has accorded high priority for building a good social science library. It is now one of the good libraries in Hyderabad with a rich collection of Books,journals, publications ( of other research institutes ( both national & International ) and government publications. The library collection consists of important areas of social sciences like governance, e-governance, public administration, urban studies,law, education, economics, public finance, management, agriculture and computer science, IT. It subscribes to over 50 journals.It also subscribes of various e- resources which is shared within the campus.
Weekdays 9.30 – 17.00 hrs
The library remains closed on Sundays and a limited number of Public Holidays. And second Saturdays
The library comprises of the following documents as on January 31, 2024.
Books, Publications, Reports,DVD’’s | 10000 |
Back volumes of periodicals (bound) | 2000 |
Periodicals (Current subscription) | 50 |
Periodicals (received as Gift) | 10 |
e-Journals | |
Proquest Social Science | 2000 |
Jstor | 3007 |
The following online databases are available through the CDS Library. Should you wish to use them, kindly contact Mr Sarfaraz Shaik. He can be contacted over: 040-23554175; Extension 156 during Monday through Saturday (9.30 AM through 5 PM).
Free Online Journals
- Alternatives:Global, Local, Political
- Canadian Studies in Population
- Challenge
- China Report
- Contributions to Indian Sociology
- Critical Asian Studies
- Econometrica
- Economic and Political Weekly
- Economist
- Economist
- Hitotsubhashi Journal of Economics
- The Indian Journal of Human Development
- Journal of the American Statistical Association
- Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics
- Quantitative Economics
- Quarterly Journal of Economics
- New Left Review
- Reserve Bank of India Bulletin
- Sarvekshana
- Science and Society
- WHO: Bulletin
- Yojana
- Developing Country Studies
- Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development
- EPW: http://epw.in
- The Economist http://economist.com
- HBR Online Access http://hbr.org/
- Proquest http://search.proquest.com
- Jstor for journal jstor.org
- States of India http://statesofindia.cmie.com
- TENDER INFO tendersinfo.com
- Indiastat http://indiastat.com
- Terragreen http://terragreen.teriin.org/index.php
- The New York Times digitial http://international.nytimes.com
- NEW YORKER http://newyorker.com
- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL http://online.wsj.com
- Library OPAC http://libsys.cgg.gov.in:8380/opac/ (All library book can be searched in this website You can know your issue details)
- Institutional Repository
Library Staff:
Dr.Sarfaraz.Shaik M.A.(AIHCA), M.LI.SC.,PGDDIM, Ph.D
Contact the Library
040-23686000 Ext – 111
email: library@cgg.gov.in
CGG Online Library Catalog Requisition Form for Purchase of Books