Research Projects

Establishment of PMU for Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP)

Project Info

  • Year of Completion : 2023
  • User Department : Department of Employment & Training


CGG is associated with the Department of Employment & Training (DET), Govt. of Telangana in implementation of the Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP) scheme activities. The activities envisaged as part of the scheme are aimed at outcomes associated with key result areas (i) Institutional Strengthening at National, State and District level; (ii) Quality Assurance of skill development programmes; and (iii) Inclusion of marginalized population in skill development programmes.

The project includes activities such as bid process management for selecting an agency to conduct skill gap study covering all districts, preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Orientation & Capacity Building on District Skill Development Plans preparation to District Employment Officers and Mahatma Gandhi National Fellows, Conducting Tracer Study, Preparation of Yearly Skill Publication and MIS Development for SANKALP Scheme.

As part of project’s ongoing activities for 2023-24, CGG has conducted tracer study of the skill trained and non-skill trained candidates covering all districts of the state, SOP Preparation for DSDP Preparation, Yearly skill publication by collecting the relevant information from the stakeholder departments implementing skill development programmes in Telangana. In addition, CGG has pursued for the completion of skill gap study by Andhra Pradesh Productivity Council (APPC).