Exciting Update from CGG’s Symposium on Telangana Good Governance Day!
The Symposium's Session 2 focused on the remarkable Good Governance Index (#GGI) and District GGI (#DGGI). Mr. Vaibhav P and Ms. Hijam Eskoni Devi, Program Managers, captivated the audience with their insightful presentation. GGI offers a comprehensive framework to evaluate governance across States and UTs, enabling rankings in various categories. DGGI, on the other hand, identifies the impact of government interventions at the district level, paving the way for improved governance and service delivery. The presentation covered the captivating journey through the objectives of GGI/DGGI, conceptualization to stakeholder consultations, approach and methodology, designing and formulation, and selecting indicators.
Telangana emerged as the leader in the sectors of Commerce and Industry, as well as Social Welfare and Development in the Good Governance Index (GGI) 2021—quite an impressive feat!
Sri Rajendra Nimje concluded the session by commending CGG for being the knowledge partner of DARPG in designing and developing GGI 2019, GGI 2021, and DGGI for Arunachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Jammu and Kashmir, with ongoing work in Maharashtra. Excitingly, CGG plans to delve into Block-level GGI and Universal DGGI, collaborating between their Knowledge & Research and eGovernance teams to foster innovative breakthroughs.